to dispute. I doe (I thank God) naturally
and heartily abhorre all schism in Religion
so much, as, I protest, I am sorry to finde
this appearance of schism amongst our ad-
versaries the Sorbonists; for I had rather
they had held together, to have made a head
against the usurpations of the Ro. Church,
then that their disuniting should so enfeeble
them, as that the Parliament should be left
alone to stand against those tyrannies. Sir,
you will pardon my extravagancies in these
relations. I look upon nothing so intentive-
ly as these things, nor fals there any thing
within my knowledge, which I would
conceal from you Though it concern not
you to know it, yet me thinks it concerns
me to tell it. That Cook of which you writ
to me, is come hither, and hath brought me
other Letters, but not those of which you
writ to me, which pacquet, he saies, you
received again of him; whether by his fals-
hood, or by your diligence in seeking a
worthier messenger, I know not; but I am
sure I never lost any thing with more sor-
[CW: row,]