row, because I am thereby left still in uncer-
tainties, and irresolutions, of that which I
desire much to know in womens busines-
ses. If you write this way any more, chuse
no other means, then by Mr Bruer at the
Queens Arms a Mercer in Cheapside: he
shall alwaies know where we are, and we
are yet in a purpose to go from hence with-
in a fortnight, and dispose our selves to be
at Frankford the 25 of May, when the electi-
on of the Emperour shall be there. Though
I be meerly passive in all this pilgrimage,
yet I shall be willing to advance that de-
sign; because upon my promise that I
would doe so, Sir Rob. Rich gave me his,
that he would divert from his way to Italy
so much, as to be there then. When I came
to this Town I found Mr Matthew, diligent
to finde a means to write to you; so that at
this time, when there go so many, I cannot
doubt but he provides himself, therefore I
did not ask his commandement, nor offer
him the service of this Pacquet. Sir, you
are not evener to your self, in your most
[CW: gene-]