Thumbnails The 1654 Prose Letters Letter 42, cont. (p.131) | |
rupt men with rewards to kill him. Which I doubt not but he apprehended for true, because a messenger whom I sent to fixe another time of meeting with him, found him in an extreme trembling, and irreso- lutions: so that I had no more, but an in- treaty to forbear comming to his house, or drawing him out of it, till it might be without danger or observation. They of the Religion held a Synod at this time in this Town, in which the principall busi- nesse is to rectifie, or at least to mature, against their Provinciall Synod, which shall be held in May, certain opinions of Ti- lenus a Divine of Sedan, with which the Churches of France are scandalized. The chief point is, Whether our salvation be to be attributed to the passive merit of Christ, which is his death, or to his active also, which is his fulfilling of the Law. But I doubt not but that will be well composed, if Tilenus who is here in person with two other assistants, bring any disposition to submit himself to the Synod, and not onely [CW: to] |