To my much honoured friend Sr T. Lucy.
I have scarce had at any time any thing so
like news to write to you, as that I am
at this Town; we came from Spâ with so
much resolution of passing by Holland. But
at Mastricht we found that the lownesse, and
slacknesse of the River, would incommo-
date us so much, as we charged our whole
gests, and came hither by Land. In the way
at Lovaine we met the E. of Arondel, to re-
compense the losse wee had of mis-
sing my L. Chandis and his company, who
came to Spâ within a few hours after we
came away. Sir Ed. Conaway, by occasion of
his bodies indisposition, was gone home
before: he told me he had some hope of
you about Bartholomewtide: But because I
half understood by a Letter from you, that
you were determined upon the Countrie
till Michaelmas, I am not so earnest in ende-
vouring to prolong our stay in these parts,
as otherwise I should. If I could joine with
[CW: him]