and had told it me, and would have been
content to accept what I, by my friends,
could have begged for her; but he intended
that son to my Profession, and had provi-
ded him already 3ool a year, of his own
gift in Church livings, and hath estated
3ool more of inheritance for their children:
and now the youth, (who yet knows no-
thing of his fathers intention nor mine)
flies from his resolutions for that Calling,
and importunes his Father to let him tra-
vell. The girle knows not her losse, for I
never told her of it: but truly, it is a great
disappointment to me. More then these,
Sir, we must all suffer, in our way to hea-
ven, where, I hope you and all yours shall
Your poor friend, and affectionate servant
J. Donne.
18 Octob.
[CW: To]