so, I may finde reason to make rime. If it be
done, I see not how I can admit that circuit
of sending them to you, to be sent hither;
that seems a kinde of praying to Saints, to
whom God must tell first, that such a man
prays to them to pray to him. So that I
shall lose the honour of that conveyance;
but, for recompense, you shall scape the
danger of approving it. My next Letter shall
say more of this. This shall end with deli-
vering you the remembrance of my Lady
Bartlet, who is present at the sealing hereof.
Your very true and affectionate servant
Jan. 19.
J. Donne.
Which name when there is any empty
corner in your discourse with that noble La-
dy at Ashby, I humbly beseech you to pre-
sent to her as one more devoted to her service
then perchance you will say.
[CW: To]