versions & Criticismes upon it (as that there
is a ciphar too much in the sum of the Kings
debts, and such like) yet since my eyes do
easily fall back to their distemper, and that
I am this night to sup at Sir A. Ingrams, I
had rather forfeit their little strength at his
supper, then with writing such imperti-
nencies: the best spending them, is upon
the rest of your Letter, to which, Sir, I can
only say in generall, that some appearances
have been here, of some treatise concer-
ning this Nullity, which are said to proceed
from Geneva; but are beleeved to have
been done within doors, by encourage-
ments of some whose names I will not
commit to this letter. My poor study ha-
ving lyen that way, it may prove possible,
that my weak assistance may be of use in
this matter, in a more serious fashion, then
an Epithalamion. This made me therefore
abstinent in that kinde; yet by my troth, I
think I shall not scape. I deprehend in
my self more then an alacrity, a vehe-
mency to do service to that company; and
[CW: so]