opinion. I took so good contentment in
the fashion which my L. Chancellor used
towards me, that out of a voluptuous loath-
nesse to let that taste go out of my mouth,
I forbear to make any further tryall in that
businesse till the King come into these quar-
ters. So that, Sir, I am here in place to serve
you, if either I be capable of your com-
mandements, or this town give any thing
worth the writing. As often as you see
your noble friend, and her good sister, al-
low my name a room in your discourse, it
is a short one, and you will soon have done.
But tell them not my desire to do them ser-
vice, for then you engage your self in a lon-
ger discourse, then I am worthy. Only in
pursuit of your commandment I sent the
Pacquet to the Post, for in mine own un-
derstanding, there should appear small
hope of arriving by that way, except you
know otherwise that the LL. mean to
make some stay in their return, in those
parts: but the Letter is brought back a-
gain, for the Post went away yesterday, and
[CW: they]