of the execution of that fellow which at-
tempted her in the coach. I have told you all
which hath fallen out here. Except between
you and me that may be worth the telling,
that my L. Chancellor gave me so noble
and so ready a dispatch; accompanied
with so fatherly advise, and remorse for my
fortunes, that I am now, like an Alchymist,
delighted with discoveries by the way,
though I attain not mine end. It spent me
so little time after your going, that, although
you speak in your Letter of good dispatch in
your going, yet I might have overtaken you.
And though perchāce if I had gone, it might
have been inconvenient for me, to have put
my self into my L. Chamberlains presence, if
that sicknesse be earnest at Ashby, and so I
should nothing have advanced my busi-
nesse, yet I should have come to that noble
Lady with better confidence, and more
assurance of a pardon, when I had brought
a conscience, that I came despoiled of all
other respects, only to kisse her hands, in
whose protection I am, since I have, nor de-
sire other station, then a place in her good
[CW: opinion.]