ditors; or that in place of it he might have
8ooo l. for he hath found a disposition in
his creditors (to whom I hear he hath paid
3ooo l. since by retyring) to accept 8ooo l.
for all his debts, which are three times as
much. I have been some times with my L.
of Canterbury, since by accident, to give you
his own words. I see him retain his for-
mer cheerfulnesse here and at Croydon, but I
do not hear from Court, that he hath any
ground for such a confidence, but that his
case may need favour, and not have it. That
place, and Bedington, and Chelsey, and High-
gate, where that very good man my Lord
Hobard is, and Hackney, with the M. of the
Rolls, and my familiar Peckham, are my
circumferrence. No place so eccentrique to
me, as that I lye just at London; and with
those fragmentary recreations I must make
shift to recompense the missing of that
contentment which your favour opens to
me, and my desire provokes me to, the
kissing of your hands at Polesworth. My
daughter Constance is at this time with me;
[CW: for]