security, and they say, it is so transacted;
which is a good signe of a possibility in the
restitution of the Palatinate. For any thing I
discern, their fears are much greater from
Hungary, then from Bohemia; and the losse of
Canon, in a great proportion, and other
things, at the death of Bucquoy, was much
greater, then they suffered to be published.
We here Spinola is passed over at Rhenebery; if
it be so, they are no longer distracted, whe-
ther he would bend upon Juliers, or the
Palatinate. I know not what you hear
from your noble son in law, who sees those
things clearly in himself, and in a near
distance; but I hear here, that the King
hath much lost the affection of the English
in those parts. Whether it proceed from
any sowrenesse in him, or that they be o-
therwise taken off, from applying them-
selves to him, I know not. My Lord of S.
Albons hath found so much favour as that
a pension of 2ooo l. will be given him;
he desires that he might have it for years,
that so he might transferre it upon his cre-
[CW: ditors,]