vice, or sink in their service. This is Thurs-
day: and upon Tuesday my Lady Bedford
came to this town: this afternoon I presen-
ted my service to her, by Mris Withrington:
and so asked leave to have waited upon
them at supper: but my messenger found
them ready to go into their Coach: so that
a third Letter which I received from Mris
Dadley, referring me to Mris Withringtons re-
lation of all that State, I lose it till their
return to this town. To clear you in that
wherein I see by your Letter that I had not
well expressed my self in mine, Sir Ed.
Herbert writ to Sir Ed. Sackvil, not to presse
the King to fix any certain time of sending
him, till he was come over, and had spo-
ken with the King: Sir Ed. Sackvil col-
lects upon that, that Sir Ed. H. meanes to
go again; I think it is only, that he would
have his honour so saved, as not to seem to
be recalled, by having a successor, before he
had emptied the place. We hear nothing
from my Lord of Doncaster; nor have we
any way to send to him. I have not seen
[CW: my]