To the Honourable Knight Sir H. Goodere.
I have but one excuse for not sending
you the Sermon that you do me the ho-
nour to command, and I foresee, that be-
fore I take my hand from this paper, I
shall lose the benefit of that excuse; it is,
that for more then twenty days, I have been
travelled with a pain, in my right wrist, so
like the Gout, as makes me unable to write.
The writing of this Letter will implore a
commentary for that, that I cannot write
legibly; for that I cannot write much, this
Letter will testifie against me. Sir, I be-
seech you, at first, tell your company, that I
decline not the service out of sullennesse
nor lazinesse, nor that any fortune damps
me so much, as that I am not sensible of the
honour of their commanding it, but a
meer inexperience whether I be able to
write eight hours or no; but I will try
next week, and either do it, for their ser-
[CW: vice,]