gave us, is grounded upon Gods assu-
ming us, not our going to him. And, our
accesses to his presence are but his descents
into us; and when we get any thing by
prayer, he gave us before hand the thing
and the petition. For, I scarce think any
ineffectuall prayer free from both sin, and
the punishment of sin: yet as God seposed
a seventh of our time for his exterior wor-
ship, and as his Christian Church early
presented him a type of the whole year in a
Lent, and after imposed the obligation of
canonique hours, constituting thereby mo-
rall Sabbaths every day; I am farre from
dehorting those fixed devotions: But I
had rather it were bestowed upon thanks-
giving then petition, upon praise then pray-
er; not that God is indeared by that, or
wearied by this; all is one in the receiver,
but not in the sender: and thanks doth
both offices; for, nothing doth so inno-
cently provoke new graces, as gratitude. I
would also rather make short prayers then
extend them, though God can neither be
[CW: sur]