are capable and fit for such revelations
when they are offered. If at any time I
seem to studie you more inquisitively, it is
for no other end but to know how to pre-
sent you to God in my prayers, and what
to ask of him for you; for even that holy
exercise may not be done inopportunely, no
nor importunely. I finde little errour in
that Grecians counsell, who saies, If thou
ask any think of God, offer no sacrifice, nor
ask elegantly, nor vehemently, but remem-
ber that thou wouldest not give to such an
asker: Nor in his other Countriman, who
affirms sacrifice of blood to be so unpro-
portionable to God, that perfumes, though
much more spirituall, are too grosse. Yea
words which are our subtillest and delica-
test outward creatures, being composed of
thoughts and breath, are so muddie, so
thick, that our thoughts themselves are so,
because (except at the first rising) they are
ever leavened with passions and affections:
And that advantage of nearer familiarity
with God, which the act of incarnation
[CW: gave]