naturall inborn preservative is corrupted or
wasted, and must be restored by a like ex-
tracted from other bodies; the chief care is
that the Mummy have in it no excelling
quality, but an equally digested temper:
And such is true vertue. But men who
have preferred money before all, think they
deal honourably with vertue, if they com-
pare her with money: And think that as
money is not called base, till the allay exceed
the pure; so they are vertuous enough, if
they have enough to make their actions scur-
rant, which is, if either they get praise, or
(in a lower abasing) if they incurre not
infamy or penalty. But you know who
said, Angusta innocentia est ad legem bonum esse:
which rule being given for positive Laws,
severe mistakers apply even to Gods Law,
and (perchance against his Command-
ment) binde themselves to his Counsails,
beyond his Laws. But they are worse, that
thinke that because some men formerly
wastfull, live better with half their rents
then they did with all, being now advanta-
[CW: ged]