To your selfe.
If this Letter finde you in a progresse, or
at Bath, or at any place of equall leasure
to our Spâ, you will perchance descend to
reade so low meditations as these. Nothing
in my L. of Salisburies death exercised my
poor considerations so much, as the multi-
tude of libells. It was easily discerned, some
years before his death, that he was at a de-
fensive war, both for his honour and health,
and (as we then thought) for his estate:
and I thought, that had removed much of
the envy. Besides, I have just reasons to
think, that in the chiefest businesse be-
tween the Nations, he was a very good pa-
triot. But I meant to speake of nothing but
the libells, of which, all which are brought
into these parts, are so tastelesse and flat,
that I protest to you, I think they were made
by his friends. It is not the first time that
our age hath seen that art practised, That
when there are witty and sharp libels made
[CW: which]