think it now most seasonable and fashio-
nable for me to break. At least, to write
presently, were to accuse my self of not ha-
ving read yours so often as such a Letter
deserves from you to me. To make my
debt greater (for such is the desire of all,
who cannot or mean not to pay) I pray
read these two problemes: for such light
flashes as these have been my hawkings in
my sorry journies. I accompany them with
another ragge of verses, worthy of that
name for the smalnesse, and age, for it hath
long lien among my other papers, and
laughs at them that have adventured to
you: for I think till now you saw it not,
and neither you, nor it should repent it.
Sir, if I were any thing, my love to you
might multiply it, and dignifie it: But in-
finite nothings are but one such; yet since
even Chymera's have some name and titles,
I am also
[CW: To]