no present hopefull designe upon a worthy
Widow, let him have so much of this as
will provide him that house and coach
which he promised to lend me at my re-
turn. If M. Inago Jones be not satisfied
for his last Maske (because I hear say it
cannot come to much) here is enough to
be had: This is but a copy, but if Sir Ro.
Cotton have the originall he will not deny it
you; if he hath it not, no body else hath it,
nor can prevent you; husband it well, which
you may easily doe, because I assure my self
none of the children nor friends of the par-
ty condemned will crosse you or impor-
tune the King for any part. If I get no
more by it, yet it hath made me a Let-
ter. And Sir (to depart from this Mine)
in what part of my Letters soever you find
the remembrance of my humble service
to my Lord of Bedford, I beseech you ever
think them intended for the first, and in that
ranke present them. I have yet received but
one Letter from you which was of the
10 of December by M. Pory, but you see that
[CW: as]