any thing to oppose against a suit founded
upon this confiscation, though they hold
never so strictly to their instructions. After
you have served your self with aproportion,
I pray make a petition in my name for as
much as you think may begiven me for my
book out of this; for, but out of this, I have
no imagination. And for a token of my de-
sire to serve him, present M. Fowler
with 3 or 4000 li. of this since he was so re-
solved never to leave his place, without a
suit of that value. I wish your cousen in the
town, better provided, but if he be not, here
is enough for him. And since I am ever an
affectionate servant to that journey, acquaint
M. Martin from me, how easie it will be
to get a good part of this for Virginia. Upon
the least petition that M. Brook can pre-
sent he may make himself whole again, of
all which the Kings servants M. Lepton
and master Waterouse, have endammaged
him. Give him leave to offer to M.
Hakevill enough to please himself, for his
Aurum Regina. And if M. Gherard have
[CW: no]