In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line. %+ = preceding letter is a large cap. The brackets »...« indicate material inserted in a second hand.
f. 1 [scribal flourishes and, centered on page, Looke to my] f. 1v [scribal(?) n h s f / Iae] Henry H3.1 ff. 2-3 HE Elegie of Prince / Henrie.| L%+ooke to me Faithe, and looke to my faithe God BedfReas H3.2 f. 3r-v HE To the Countesse of Bedfoorde Madam / [ind]Reason is our soules left hand, faith her right BedfRef H3.3 ff. 3v-4v HE Another to her Madam. / You haue refin'd mee and to worthiest thinges ValMourn H3.4 ff. 4v-5 HE A Valediction As vertuous men passe mildly away ElBrac H3.5 ff. 5-6 HE M..r[sic] Iohn Donne to a Ladie / whose Chaine he had loste N%+ot that in Colour it was like thy haire Sat1 H3.6 ff. 6-7v HE A Satyre of M:r Iohn Donnes Away thou Changelinge motly humoriste Sat2 H3.7 ff. 7v-9 HE Another Satyre of M:r Iohn Donne Sr thoughe I thanke God >%Vfor it< I doe hate Sat4 H3.8 ff. 9-12 HE Another Satyre by the same I:D:| Well may I nowe receiue and dye; my sinne Sat3 H3.9 ff. 12-13v HE The Fourthe Satyre K%+inde pittie choakes my spleen, braue scorne forbids ElAnag H3.10 ff. 13v-14v HE Elegie M%+arry and loue thy Flavia, for she HG H3.11 ff. 14v-15 HE To Sir Henry Goodyer Whoe makes the paste a patterne for next yeare Goodf H3.12 f. 15r-v HE Goodfriday 1613.| Lett mans Soule be a Spheare, and then in this Mess H3.13 f. 16 HE Songe Send home my longe stray'de eyes to mee Commun H3.14 f. 16r-v HE [om] »(Community / Ch.33.)« Good we muste loue and muste hate ill ElNat H3.15 ff. 16v-17 HE [om] Natures lay Idiot, I tought the to loue ElPerf H3.16 ff. 17-18 HE Elegie Once and but once founde in thy Companie ElBed H3.17 f. 18r-v HE Elegie.| Come Madam come, all rest my power defie ConfL H3.18 ff. 18v-19 HE To the Worthiest of all my / Louers.| Some man vnworthy to be possessor Will H3.19 f. 19r-v HE The Will.| Before I sighe my laste gaspe lett me breath Fun H3.20 ff. 19v-20 HE The Funerall.| Whoe euer comes to shrowd me doe not harme Flea H3.21 f. 20 HE The Flea.| Marke but this Flea and marke in this Appar H3.22 f. 20v HE The Apparition.| When by thy scorne. o%C Murdresse I am dead Twick H3.23 ff. 20v-21 HE [om] Blasted with sighes,andsurrounded with teares ElServe H3.24 f. 21r-v HE Elegie.| Oh let me not serue soe, as those men serue ElChange H3.25 ff. 21v-22 HE Elegie Allthoughe thy hand, and faithe, and good workes too ElExpost H3.26 ff. 22-23 HE Elegie.| To make the doubt clere that noe Weomans true LovDiet H3.27 f. 23r-v HE Loues Diett.| To what a Combersome Vnwealdinesse Witch H3.28 f. 23v HE The Picture.| I fixe myne eye on thyne and there TWHail H3.29 f. 24 HE [om] All Haile sweet Poett full of more strange fire Antiq H3.30 f. 24v HE [om] If in his Study Hamon hathe suche care Disinher H3.31 f. 24v HE [om] Thy Father all from the by his laste Will Liar H3.32 f. 24v HE [om] Thou in the feilds walk'st out thy Supping houres Pyr H3.33 f. 24v HE Pyramus & Thisby.| Twoe by themselus each other, loue, and feare nc H3.34 f. 24v HE [om; subscribed I.D.|] A Silly Iohn surpriz'd with ioy Storm H3.35 ff. 24v-25v HE Storme.| Thou which arte I t'is noethinge to be soe Calm H3.36 ff. 25v-26v HE Calme.| Our storme is paste, and that Stormes Tirannous rage Dreame H3.37 ff. 26v-27 HE A Dreame Deare loue for nothinge lesse then the ElWar H3.38 f. 27r-v HE [om] Till I haue peace with thee Warre other men ElJeal H3.39 ff. 27v-28 HE [om] Fond weoman which wouldst haue thy husband dy nc H3.40 f. 28 HE [om; subscribed I.D.|] True loue findes witt, but he whose witt dothe moue Anniv H3.41 f. 28v HE [om] All Kings and all their fauorites ElPict H3.42 f. 29 HE Elegie| Heer take my picture, thoughe I bid farwell ElProg H3.43 ff. 29-30v HE [om] Whoe euer loues if he doe not propose Carey H3.44 ff. 30v-31v HE A Letter to the Lady Carey Madam / Heere whereby all Saintes invoked are Canon H3.45 ff. 31v-32 HE The Canonization.| For god's sake hold your tongue, and let me loue Bait H3.46 f. 32r-v HE Songe.| »The Bait.« Come liue with me and be my loue Broken H3.47 ff. 32v-33 HE Songe »The Broken Heart.« Hee is starke mad whoe euer sayes LovAlch H3.48 f. 33 HE Mummey.| »(Love's Alchemy)« Some that haue deeper dig'd loues mine than I nc H3.49 f. 33r-v HE [om; subscribed to I. D.|] Absence heare thou my protestation SGo H3.50 f. 33v HE Songe.| Goe and catche a fallinge Starre Token H3.51 f. 34 HE [om; subscribed to I. D.|] Send me some tokens that my loue may liue LovDeity H3.52 f. 34r-v HE Loues Deity.| I longe to talke with some old louers Ghoast HWKiss H3.53 ff. 34v-35 HE To S:r Henry Wootten.| Sr more than kisses letters mingle Soules ElComp H3.54 ff. 35v-36 HE Elegie As the sweet sweat of roses in a Still nc H3.55 ff. 36-37 HE [om; subscribed to I.D.] »(Elegy xii. / Ch. i.125.)« Come fates I feare yow not, all whome I owe HWNews H3.56 f. 37 HE From Courte a Letter to / Sr Henry Wootton.| Heere's noe more news then vertue, I may as well Leg H3.57 f. 37v HE Songe When I dyed laste, (and deare I dye Triple H3.58 ff. 37v-38 HE Songe.| I am two fooles I knowe LovGrow H3.59 f. 38 HE The Springe.| I scarce beleiue my loue to be soe pure Prohib H3.60 f. 38v HE [om] »(The Prohibition. / Ch.i.72)« Take heed of loueinge me SunRis H3.61 ff. 38v-39 HE To the Sunne Buisy old foole vnruly Su%Mn Fever H3.62 f. 39r-v HE The Feauer.| Oh doe not dy for I shall hate LovUsury H3.63 f. 39v HE [om] »(Love's Usury / Ch.i.10)« For euerie houre that thou wilt spare me nowe ValBook H3.64 ff. 39v-40v HE The Booke.| Ile tell the nowe deare loue what thou shalt doe RWThird H3.65 ff. 40v-41 HE A Letter to M:r Rowland / Woodward Like one whoe in her third Widdow=hood dothe professe nc H3.66 f. 41r-v HE [om; subscribed to I.D.|] Vengeance will sitt nc H3.67 f. 41v HE [om; subscribed to I.D.|] If her disdaine in yow lest Change can moue BoulNar H3.68 f. 42r-v HE An elegie vppon the deathe of / M%J:rs%K Boulstred.| Language thou arte to narrowe, and to weake BedfShe H3.69 ff. 42v-43 HE An Elegie to the Ladie / Bedfoorde.| You that are shee, and yow that's double shee [Items H3.70 and H3.71 are conjoined as if one poem.] BoulRec H3.70 ff. 43-44 HE Another Elegie on the deathe / of M:rs Boulstred.| Deathe I recant, and say vnsaide by me nc H3.71 f. 44r-v HE [om; see note above H3.70] Deathe be not proud thy hand giues not this blowe Mark H3.72 f. 45r-v HE A Funerall Elegie vppon the / Ladie Markeham Man is the world and deathe the Ocean Sorrow H3.73 ff. 45v-46 HE Elegie Sorrowe whoe to this house scarce knew the way nc H3.74 ff. 46-47v HE [om by scribe, but subscribed I.D.|] »An El. on the Death of Eliz. Countess of Rutland.« / [RM]»By Fr. Beaumont.« I may forget to eate to drinke to Sleep nc H3.75 ff. 47v-48 HE An elegie on the deathe of / the Ladie Markeham.| As vnthriftes greiue in Strawe for their paund bedds [ascribed »By Francis Beaumont.«; scribally subscribed I.D.|] EdHerb H3.76 ff. 48v-49 HE A Letter to S:r Edward Herbert / Incerti Authoris.| Man is >%Va< lumpe where all beastes kneaded bee ValWeep H3.77 f. 49r-v HE A Valediction of Teares.| [ind]Let me power forthe ValName H3.78 ff. 49v-50 HE A Valediction of my name in the / Glasse windowe.| My name ingraud' herein [ll. 1-38 only; f. 50 blank except for ll. 37-38 at top] f. 50v [notes in a much later hand (Norton?)] f. 51 [written names or gibberish and nameplates for C.E. Norton and the Houghton Library]