In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal- position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.
This index last corrected 3/3/03.
ElAnag CT1.1, pp.1-2 HE Elegie [E Puckering in top right corner] Marry and loue thy fflauia, for shee RWThird CT1.2, pp.3-4 HE Omitted Like one who in her Third widdowhood doth professe [written in 3-line stanzas] HWNews CT1.3, pp.4-5 HE [trimmed]o:D. to Mr H:W: [in l. margin] Here is noe more newes then vertue: I may as well [bottom third of p. 5 is blank, except for CW: Elegie] ElComp CT1.4, pp.6-7 HE Elegie As the sweet sweat of roses in a still ELPerf CT1.5, pp.8-10 HE Elegie Once, and but once, found in thy company ELChange CT1.6, pp.10-12 HE Elegie. Although thy hand, & faith, & good workes too, ELNat CT1.7, pp.12-13 HE Elegie Natures lay Ideot, I taught thee to love, ELAut CT1.8, pp.13-15 HE Elegie No spring, nor Summer beautie hath such grace Image CT1.9, pp.15-16 HE Elegie. Image of her, whom I loue, more then shee, Break CT1.10, pp.16-17 HE Breake of Daye Tis true, tis day; what though it bee SunRis CT1.11, pp.17-18 HE Sunn Risinge Buisie old foole vnruly sunn Lect CT1.12, pp.18-19 HE Lecture vpon the shaddowe Stand still, and I will read to thee ValMourn CT1.13, pp.19-20 HE Valediction forbidding / mourninge. As virtuous men passe mildely away ElServe CT1.14, pp.21-22 HE Elegie Oh, let mee serue soe as those men serue Leg CT1.15, pp.22-23 HE Elegie When I dyed last, (and deare I die Triple CT1.16, pp.23-24 HE The Triple ffoole. I am twoe fooles I knowe Mark CT1.17, pp.24-26 HE An Elegie vppon the Death of / the Ladie Marckham. Man is the world, and Death the Ocean BoulRec CT1.18, pp.27-29 HE An Elegie vpon the death / of Mistress Bulstrod Death I recant, and say, vnsaid by mee GoodM CT1.19, pp.29-30 HE The good Morrowe I wonder by my troth, what thou and I Broken CT1.20, pp.30-31 HE Omitted Hee is starck mad whoeuer sayes Twick CT1.21, pp.32 HE Twittnam Garden.| Blasted wth sighes, & surrounded wth teares ElWar CT1.22, pp.33-34 HE Elegie Till I haue peace wth thee warr other men [bottom third of p. 34 blank, except for CW: Elegie] BoulNar CT1.23, pp.35-37 HE Elegie vpon the death / of Mistress Boulstred Language thou art to narrowe, & to weake Curse CT1.24, pp.37-38 HE The Cursse Who euer gesses, thincks, or dreames hee knowes LovAlch CT1.25, pp.38-39 HE Mummy Some yt haue deeper digg'd Loues Myne then I Canon CT1.26, pp.39-41 HE The Cano%Mnization ffor Gods sake hold yor tongue, & let mee loue LovDiet CT1.27, pp.41-42 HE Loues diett. To what a combersome vnwildiness Will CT1.28, pp.43-44 HE Loues Legacies Before I sigh my last gaspe let mee breathe Para CT1.29, pp.45 HE Omitted Noe Louer saith I loue, nor any other. nc CT1.30, pp.45-46 HE A Paradox Who soe termes Loue a fire, may like a po%Uet SGo CT1.31, pp.46-47 HE Songe Goe and catch a falling starre [bottom fourth of p. 47 blank, except for CW: Good] Commun CT1.32, pp.48 HE Omitted Good wee must loue and must hate ill WomCon CT1.33, pp.49 HE Womans Constancie Now thou hast lou'd mee one whole day [bottom fourth of p. 49 blank, except for CW: Marke] Flea CT1.34, pp.50 HE Omitted Mark but this flea, and marke in this Ecst CT1.35, pp.51-53 HE Extasie Where like a pillowe on a bed LovDeity CT1.36, pp.54 HE Loues Deitie I long to talke wth some old Louers ghost [bottom fifth of p. 54 is blank, except for CW: The] Fun CT1.37, pp.55 HE The ffunerall. Who euer comes to shrowd mee doe not harme ElProg CT1.38, pp.56-60 HE Elegie Who euer loues, if hee doe not propose [bottom 2/3 of p. 60 blank, except CW: The] Blos CT1.39, pp.61-62 HE The Blossome. Litle thinck'st thou poore flower ElBed CT1.40, pp.63-64 HE Elegie Come Madam, Come, All rest my powers defie Appar CT1.41, pp.65 HE An Apparition. When by thy scorne, O Murdress I am dead, [bottom fourth of p. 65 blank, except for CW: To] HWKiss CT1.42, pp.66-68 HE To Sr Henry Wotton S,r more then kisses, Leters mingle soules, Prim CT1.43, pp.69-70 HE The Primerose Vppon this Primerose hill TWHail CT1.44, pp.70-71 HE To M. I: W: All haile sweet Poet, more full of more strong fire TWHarsh CT1.45, pp.71-72 HE To M. T. W. Hast thee harsh verse as fast as thy lame measure TWPreg CT1.46, p. 72 HE To M. T. W. Pregnant againe wth th'old twins, Hope, & Feare TWHence CT1.47, p. 73 HE Omitted [begins top of p.73; scribe usually uses HE to separate poems; same stanza pattern as TWPreg] Att once from hence my Lines & I depart CB CT1.48, pp.73-74 HE To M. C. B Thy friend whom thy deserts to thee enchaine SB CT1.49, pp.74 HE To M S. B. O thou wch to search out the secret parts BB CT1.50, pp.75-76 HE To M. B B. Is not thy sacred hunger of science [At once from hence my lines & I depart written & erased at top of p. 75 before To M. B B.] RWSlumb CT1.51, pp.76-77 HE To Mr. R. W. If as mine is thy life a slumber bee ILRoll CT1.52, pp.77-78 HE To. M. I. L. Of that short roll of friends writt in my hart ILBlest CT1.53, pp.78-79 HE To M. I. L Blest are yor North parts for all this long time HWVenice CT1.54, pp.79-80 HE To Sr. Henrie Wotton, at his / going Ambassadour to Venice After those reuerend Papers whose soule is HG CT1.55, pp.81-82 HE To Sr. H.: G. mouing him to trauell Who makes the past a patterne for next yeare EdHerb CT1.56, pp.83-84 HE To Sr. E: H: Man is a Lumpe where all Beasts kneaded bee MHPaper CT1.57, pp.85-87 HE To M. M. H Madd Paper stay; & grudge not here to burne Sappho CT1.58, pp.87-89 HE Sapho to Philae%Lnis Where is that holy fire wch verse is said [bottom fourth of p. 89 blank, except for CW: Elegie] ElJeal CT1.59, pp.90-91 HE Elegie ffond woeman wch wouldst haue thy husband dye ElFatal CT1.60, pp.91-93 HE Elegie By our first straunge, & fatall interviewe ElPict CT1.61, pp.93-94 HE Elegie Here take my Picture though I bid farewell Noct CT1.62, pp.94-96 HE A Norturnall vpon St Lucies / daye being the shortest day. Tis the yeares Midnight, & it is the dayes Compu CT1.63, pp.96 HE The Computation ffor the first twentie yeares since yesterday Dissol CT1.64, pp.96-97 HE The Dissolution Shee's dead, and all wch dye Witch CT1.65, pp.98 HE Witchcrafte by a Picture I fixe mine eye on thine, and there Jet CT1.66, pp.98-99 HE A Jeat Ringe sente Thou art not soe black as my hart LovExch CT1.67, pp.99-101 HE Loues Exchange Loue, any Deuill els but you Fever CT1.68, pp.101-102 HE ffeuer. Oh, doe not dye, for I shall hate Ind CT1.69, pp.102-103 HE The Indifferent I can loue both faire and browne ValName CT1.70, pp.104-106 HE Valediction of my name in the windowe My name engrau'd herein Air CT1.71, pp.106-107 HE Ayre and Angells Twice or thrice had I loued thee LovGrow CT1.72, pp.108 HE Loues Growth I scarce beleiue my Loue to bee soe pure Dream CT1.73, pp.109-110 HE The Dreame. Deare Loue for nothing lesse then thee Prohib CT1.74, pp.110 HE The Prohibition. Take heed of louing mee Anniv CT1.75, pp.110-111 HE The Anniuersarie All kings, and all their ffauouritts Damp CT1.76, pp.112 HE The Dampe When I am dead, & Doctors knowe not why Relic CT1.77, pp.113-114 HE The Relique When my Graue is broke vp againe NegLov CT1.78, pp.114-115 HE Negatiue Loue. I neuer stoop'd soe lowe as they ValWeep CT1.79, pp.115-116 HE Valediction of weeping Let mee powre forth ValBook CT1.80, ff, 116-118 HE A Valediction of the Booke Ile tell thee now deare Loue what thou shalt doe [bottom fifth of p. 118 is blank, except for CW: The] Expir CT1.81, pp.119 HE The Expiration Soe, soe, break off this last lamenting kisse Under CT1.82, pp.119-120 HE Platonique Loue I haue done one brauer thing [bottom third of p. 120 is blank, except for CW: Some] ConfL CT1.83, pp.121 HE Omitted Some man vnworthy to bee Possessor [bottom fifth of p. 121 blank, except for CW: Songs] Mess CT1.84, pp.122 HE Songs wch were made to certaine / Aires wch were made before.| Send home my long stray'd eyes to mee SSweet CT1.85, pp.123 HE Omitted Sweetest Loue I do not goe for wearines of thee Bait CT1.86, pp.124 HE Omitted Come liue wth mee, and bee my Loue Hero CT1.87, pp.125 HE Epigrammes. / Hero and Leander Both robb'd of aire, wee both lye on the ground Pyr CT1.88, pp.125 HE Piramis and Thisbie Two by themselues each other, Loue and feare Niobe CT1.89, pp.125 HE Niobe By Childrens birth, & Death I am become Ship CT1.90, pp.125 HE A Burnt shippe Out of a fired shipp, wch by noe way Wall CT1.91, pp.125 HE ffall of a Wall Vnder an vnderminde, and shott bruiz'd wall Beggar CT1.92, pp.126 HE A Lame Begger. I am vnable yonder Begger cryes Licent CT1.93, pp.126 HE A licentious person. Thy sinns, and haire may noe man equall call Antiq CT1.94, pp.126 HE Antiquarie If in his studie hee haue soe much care Merc CT1.95, pp.126 HE Mercurius Gallo=Belgicus Like AE%Lsops fellow slaues, O Mercury Phrine CT1.96, pp.126 HE Phrine Thy flattering Picture, Phrine, is like thee Philo CT1.97, pp.126 HE An obscure writer Philo wth twelue yeares studie hath been grieu'd Klock CT1.98, pp.127 HE Omitted Klockius so deeply hath sworne nere more to come Martial CT1.99, pp.127 HE Randerus Why this man gelded Martial I muse EpLin CT1.100, pp.127-130 HE Epithalamion made at / Lincolnes Inn. The Sun-beames in the East are spred Eclog CT1.101, pp.131-140 HE Eclogue / Induceing an Epithalamion at the / Marriage of the. E: of. S: Vnseasonable man, statue of Ice [bottom half of p. 140 blank, except for CW: Paradoxes] prose CT1.102, pp.141-142 HE Paradoxes / That all things kill themselues To affect, yea to effect their owne deaths, all liue= are prose CT1.103, pp.142-144 HE That woemen ought to paint / themselues. ffowleness is loathsome, can that bee soe too wch helpes it? prose CT1.104, pp.144-146 HE That old men are more fantastique / then younge.| Whoe reades this Paradoxe but thincks mee more prose CT1.105, pp.146-148 HE That Nature is our worst / Guide. Shall shee bee Guide to all Creatures wch is prose CT1.106, pp.149-150 HE That onely Cowards dare dye Extreames are equally remou'd from ye meane, prose CT1.107, pp.150-153 HE That the Guiftes of the bodie are / better then the guifts of ye minde, / orofffortune. I say againe that the bodie makes the minde, prose CT1.108, pp.153-156 HE That a wise man is knowne by / much laughinge Ride si sapis O puella ride. If thou beest prose CT1.109, pp.156-158 HE That Good is more common / then euill. I haue not beene soe pittifully tyred wth prose CT1.110, pp.158-161 HE That by Discord things encrease So I asseuer this the more boldly because prose CT1.111, pp.161-162 HE That is->it is possible to finde / some vertue in some woemen. I am not of that sear'd impudency yt I dare prose CT1.112, pp.163 HE Probleme. 1: Why are Courtiers sooner Atheists then prose CT1.113, pp.164 HE 2th: Why doth Sr W: R write the Historie prose CT1.114, pp.164-165 HE 3th. Why doe great men choose of all dependants prose CT1.115, pp.165 HE 4th.| Why doth not gold soile the fingers? Doth prose CT1.116, pp.165 HE 5th.| Why dye none for loue nowe? because woemen prose CT1.117, pp.166 HE 6th.| Why doe young lay-men soe much studie diui= prose CT1.118, pp.167-268 HE 7th. Why hath the common opinion afforded woemen [pp. 168 & 169 misnumbered 268 & 269] prose CT1.119, pp.268-269 HE 8th. / Why are the fairest falsest? I meane not of false Alcumy Beauty, for then prose CT1.120, pp.170-171 HE 9th. / Why haue Bastards best fortunes? Because ffortune herself is a whore. But such are prose CT1.121, pp.171-172 HE 10th. / Why Puritans make longest Sermons It needs not for perspicuousnes, for God knowes prose CT1.122, pp.172-174 HE 11.:th / Why doth the Poxe soe much affect / to vndermine the nose? Paracelsus perchance sayes true, that euery Dis= prose CT1.123, pp.174 HE 12th.| / Why doe woemen delight soe much / in feathers? They thinck that ffeathers imitate winges, soe prose CT1.124, pp.174-176 HE 13. / Why are Statesmen moste / incredulous.| Are they all wise enough to follow their Ex= prose CT1.125, pp.176-178 HE Why Venus starr only doth / cast a Shaddowe Is it because it is nearer the Earth? But they prose CT1.126, pp.178-179 HE Why is Venus Starr Multi-nominous / called both Hesperus, and Vesper? The Moone hath as many names, but not as shee is prose CT1.127, pp.179-180 HE Why are newe Officers least / oppressinge? Must the old Prouerbe, That old Doggs bite sore= prose CT1.128, pp.180-181 HE Why is there more varietie of Greene / then of other Collours? It is because it is the figure of youth wherin [bottom half of p. 181 and all of p. 182 are blank] Lit CT1.129, pp.183-193 HE A Letanie ffather of Heauen, and him by whom GoodF CT1.130, pp.193-195 HE Goodfriday / Made as I was rideing westward / that daye. Let mans soule bee a spere, and then in this Cross CT1.131, pp.195-197 HE Of the Crosse Since Christ embrac'd the Cross it selfe, dare I Res CT1.132, pp.198 HE Resurrection. imperfect Sleep, sleep, old Sunn, thou canst not haue repast Christ CT1.133, pp.199 HE A Hymne to Christ. In what torne shipp soeuer I embarck Father CT1.134, pp.200 HE To Christ [stanzas 2&3 reverse order] Wilt thou forgiue yt sinn where I begunne [bottom fourth/fifth of p. 200 blank, except for CW: Infinitati] Metem CT1.135, pp.201-223 HE Infinitati Sacrum. 160. Augusti / 1601. / Metempsychosis / Poema Satyricon / Epistle. I sing the Progresse of a Deathless Soule Corona CT1.136, pp.224-227 HE Diuine Poems / La Corona. Deigne at my hand this Crowne of prayer, & praise HSDue CT1.137, pp.227-228 HE Omitted As due by many titles I resigne HSBlack CT1.138, pp.228 HE Omitted Oh my black Soule, thou nowe art summoned HSScene CT1.139, pp.228-229 HE Omitted This is my Playes last scene, Here Heau'ns appoint HSRound CT1.140, pp.229 HE Omitted At the round Earthes imagin'd corners blowe HSMin CT1.141, pp.229-230 HE Omitted If poisonous Mineralls, and if that tree HSDeath CT1.142, pp.230 HE Omitted Death bee not prowd, though some hath call'd thee HSSpit CT1.143, pp.230-231 HE Omitted Spitt in my face, yee Iewes, & pierce my side HSWhy CT1.144, pp.231 HE Omitted Why are wee by all Creatures waited on? HSWhat CT1.145, pp.231-232 HE Omitted What if this present were the worlds last night? HSBatter CT1.146, pp.232 HE Omitted Batter my hart three person'd God, for you HSWilt CT1.147, pp.232-233 HE Omitted Wilt thou loue God, as hee thee, then digest HSPart CT1.148, pp.233 HE Omitted ffather, part of his double interest [CW: Epistle] [p. 234 completely blank] Ham (Ltr) CT1.149, pp.235 HE Epistle Sr. / I presume you rather trye what you can doe in mee, [bottom third of p. 235 blank, except for SS: ID & CW: A Hymne] Ham CT1.150, pp.236-237 HE A Hymne to the Saincts, and / to Marquis Hambleton. Whether yt Soule wch now comes vnto you [bottom third of p. 237 blank, except for SS: ID] [p. 238 completely blank] nc CT1.151, pp.239 HE Omitted Why louelye boy why flyest thou me [in second hand] nc CT1.152, pp.[240] HE Omitted Heare doe repose but in lamented wast [in third hand; bottom 2/3 of p. 240 blank and all of p. 241] nc CT1.153, pp.[242] HE Omitted I pri'thee turne yt face away, [in a fourth hand] nc CT1.154, pp.[242] HE Omitted Or scorne or pittie on mee take [written in yet another hand] nc CT1.155, pp.243 HE Omitted Turne Turne thy beutius face away [different hand; [bottom 2/3 of page blank] nc CT1.156, pp.[244-246] HE On a very deformed Gentlewoman / but of a voyce incomparably sweet. I chanc'd sweet Lesbia's voyce to heare [in different hand; bottom half of p. 246 blank; at end of poem on p. 246 printed is written in a different hand; poem has subs. Tho: Randolph] nc CT1.157, pp.247-250 HE An Elegie. Accept thou shrine of my dear|e| Saint, [same hand as pp. 244-46]