by giving any part to pleasure or businesse,
but bestow it all upon her in meditation, yet
even in that I should wound her more, and
contract another guiltinesse: As the Eagle
were very unnaturall if because she is able
to do it, she should pearch a whole day
upon a tree, staring in contemplation of
the majestie and glory of the Sun, and let
her young Eglets starve in the nest. Two
of the most precious things which God
hath afforded us here, for the agony and
exercise of out sense and spirit, which are
a thirst and inhiation after the next life,
and a frequency of prayer and meditation
in this, are often envenomed, and putrefied,
and stray into a corrupt disease: for as God
doth thus occasion, and positively concurre
to evill, that when a man is purposed to do
a great sin, God infuses some good thoughts
which make him choose a lesse sin, or
leave out some circumstance which aggra-
vated that; so the devill doth not only suffer
but provoke us to some things naturally
good, upon condition that we shall omit
[CW: some]