pany. I can allow my self to be Animal socia-
le, appliable to my company, but not gregale,
to herd my self in every troup. It is not per-
fectly true which very subtil, yet very deep
wit Averroes says, that all mankinde hath
but one soul, which informes and rules us
all, as one Intelligence doth the firmament
and all the Starres in it; as though a parti-
cular body were too little an organ for a
soul to play upon. And it is as imperfect
which is taught by that religion wch is most
accommodate to sense (I dare not say to rea-
son (though it have appearance of that too)
because none may doubt but that that reli-
gion is certainly best, which is reasonablest)
That all mankinde hath one protecting
Angel; all Christians one other, all English
one other, all of one Corporation and every
civill coagulation or society one other; and
every man one other. Though both these
opinions expresse a truth; which is, that
mankinde hath very strong bounds to co-
habit and concurre in other then moun-
tains and hills during his life. First, com-
[CW: mon,]