perchance blush to have lost a Souldier fit
for that great battell; and to cherish onely
those single Duellisms, between Rome and
England, or that more single, and almost
self-homicide, between the unconformed
Ministers, and Bishops. I writ to you last
week that the plague increased; by which
you may see that my Letters—
—opinion of the
song, not that I make such trifles for praise;
but because as long as you speak compara-
tively of it with mine own, and not abso-
lutely, so long I am of your opinion even at
this time; when I humbly thank God, I ask
& have, his comfort of sadder meditations;
I doe not condemn in my self, that I have
given my wit such evaporations, as those, if
they be free from prophaneness, or obscene
provocations. Sr you would pity me if you
saw me write, and therefore will pardon
me if I write no more: my pain hath drawn
my head so much awry, and holds it so
that mine eie cannot follow mine hand:
I receive you therefore into my prayers,
[CW: with]