prophesied of before it was born: for your
brother told you in his letter, that I had
written: he did me much honour both in
advancing my truth so farre as to call a pro-
mise an act already done; and to provide
me a means of doing him a service in this
act, which is but doing right to my self:
for by this performance of mine own
word, I have also justified that part of his
Letter which concerned me; and it had
been a double guiltinesse in me, to have
made him guilty towards you. It makes no
difference that this came not the same day,
nor bears the same date as his; for though
in inheritances and worldly possessions we
consider the dates of Evidences, yet in Let-
ters, by which we deliver over our affecti-
ons, and assurances of friendship, and the
best faculties of our souls, times and daies
cannot have interest, nor be considerable,
because that which passes by them, is eter-
nall, and out of the measure of time. Be-
cause therefore it is the office of this Letter,
to convey my best wishes, and all the effects
[CW: of]