dinner into my mouth.) Towards the
time of the service, I aske your leave, that I
may hide my selfe in your out-chamber.
Or if businesse, or privatenesse, or compa-
ny make that inconvenient, that you will
be pleased to assigne some servant of yours
to shew me the Closet, when I come to
your chamber. I have no other way there,
but you; which I say not, as though I had
not assurance enough therein, but because
you have too much trouble thereby; nor I
have no other end there, then the Pulpit:
you are my station, and that my exaltation;
And in both, I shall ever endevour, to keep
you from being sorry for having thought
well of, or being ashamed of having testi-
fied well for
Your poor and very true
Servant in Chr. Jes.
J. Donne.
[CW: To]