speake aloud, though we awaken men,
and make them froward, yet after two or
three modest knocks at the door, I went
away. Yet I understood after, the King
was gone abroad, and thought you might
be gone with him. I came to give you an
account of that, which this does as well.
I have now put into my Lord of Bath and
Wells hands the Sermon that faithfully exscrci-
bed. I beseech you be pleased to hearken far-
ther after it; I am still upon my jealousie, that
the King brought thither some disaffecti-
on towards me, grounded upon some o-
ther demerit of mine, and took it not from
the Sermon. For, as Card. Cusanus writ a
Book Cribratio Alchorani, I have cribated,
and re-cribrated, and post-cribrated the Ser-
mon, and must necessarily say, the King
who hath let fall his eye upon some of my
Poems, never saw, of mine, a hand, or an
eye, or an affection, set down with so much
study, and diligence, and labour of syllables,
as in this Sermon I expressed those two
points, which I take so much to conduce
[CW: to]