likely to bee removed from Venice, to the
States; of which if my Lord said nothing
to you, I beseech you adde thus much to
your many other Favours, to intreate my
Lord at his best commodity, to afford mee
the favour of speaking with him. But if
hee have already opened himselfe so farre
to you, as that you may take knowledge
thereof to him, then you may ease him of
that trouble of giving mee an Audience,
by troubling your selfe thus much more,
as to tell him in my behalfe, and from
mee, that though Sir D. Carlton bee not
removed, yet that place with the States
lying open, there is a faire field of exer-
cising his favour towards mee, and of con-
stituting a Fortune to mee, and (that
which is more) of a meanes for mee to
doe him particular services. And Sir, as
I doe throughly submit the end and effect
of all Projects to his Lordships will, so
doe I this beginning thereof, to your
Advice and Counsell, if you thinke
mee capable of it: as, for your owne
[CW: sake,]