red of dangers of relapses, if I were at Lon-
don; but the very going would indanger
me. Upon which true debility, I was for-
ced to excuse my selfe to my Lord Cham-
berlaine, from whom I had a Letter of
command to have Preached the fifth of
November Sermon to the King. A service
which I would not have declined, if I
could have conceived any hope of standing
it. I beseech you intreat my Lord Percy in
my behalfe, that he will be pleased to name
George to my L. Carlile, and to wonder, if
not to inquire, where he is. The world is
disposed to charge my Lords honour, and
to charge my naturall affection with neg-
lecting him, and, God knowes, I know
not which way to turn towards him; nor
upon any message of mine, when I send to
kisse my Lords hands, doth my Lord make
any kinde of mention of him. For the Dia-
mond Lady, when time serves, I pray
look to it; for I would fain be discharged
of it. And for the rest, let them be but re-
membred how long it hath been in my
[CW: hands,]