neither hunted after this businesse at first,
but apprehended it as it was presented to
me, and might perchance have fallen into
worse hands, nor proceeded otherwise ther-
in, then to my poor discretion at that time
seemed lawfull and requisite and necessa-
ry for my reputation, who held my selfe
bound to be able to give satisfaction to any
who should doubt of the case. Of all which,
if your Lordship were returned to your
former favourable opinions of me, you
might be pleased to make this some argu-
ment, that after his Majesty had shewed his
inclination to the first motion made in my
behalf, I was not earnest to urge and solicit
that advantage of priority, but as became
me, contented my self to joyne with him
who had made a later petition therein: and
as soon as I understood how it was opposed
or distasted, I threw it down at your Lord-
ships feet, and abandoned it to your pleasure. Which it is necessary for me to say at this
time, left, if he who was interessed with me
in that businesse shall have proceeded any
[CW: far-]