to that then I am worth. I can give you no-
thing in recompense of that favor, but
good counsell: which is to speake sparing-
ly of any ability in me, lest you indanger
your own reputation, by overvaluing me.
If I shall at any time take courage by your
Letter, to expresse my meditations of
that Lady in writing, I shall scarce think
lesse time to be due to that employment,
then to be all my life in making those
verses, and so take them with me and sing
them amongst her fellow Angels in Hea-
ven. I should be loath that in any thing of
mine, composed of her, she should not
appear much better then some of those of
whom I have written. And yet I cannot
hope for better expressings then I have gi-
ven of them. So you see how much I
should wrong her, by making her but
equall to others. I would I could be be-
leeved, when I say that all that is written of
them, is but prophecy of her. I must use
your favour in getting her pardon, for
having brought her into so narrow, and
[CW: low-]