to preserve his memory: but I have a grea-
ter vantage then so; for since there is a Re-
ligion in friendship, and a death in absence,
to make up an intire frame there must be a
heaven too: and there can be no heaven so
proportionall to that Religion, and that
death, as your favour. And I am gladder
that it is a heaven, then that it were a Court,
or any other high place of this world,
because I am likelier to have a room
there then here; and better cheap. Madam
my best treasure, is time; and my best im-
ployment of that, is to study good wishes
for you, in which I am by continuall medi-
tation so learned, that your own good An-
gell, when it would do you most good,
might be content to come and take in-
structions from
Your humble and affectionate servant
J. Donne.
[CW: To]