I writ to you of my L. Treasur. disposition
to you, I had from Mr Har; and I understood
it to be his desire to convey it through me.
The last account which we have of my
L. Donc. is, by Letters of the 2o of this; by
which also we saw, that the first Letters
of his convalescence, were but propheticall;
for he was let blood a second time, and is
not strong enough yet to receive audience.
Though I be not Dean of Pauls yet, my
L. of Warwick hath gone so low, as to com-
mand of me the office of being Master of
my game, in our wood about him in Essex.
I pray be you content to be my officer too,
the Steward of my services to all to whom
you know them to be due in your walk,
and continue your own assurance that I am
Your affectionate servant in Chr. Jes.
J. Donne.
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