and onely forbore, by reason of Mr Martins
silence, I wonder; for I think, I told you,
that he was gone; and I saw in Sir Tho.
Lucies hand, a Letter from him to you,
which was likely to tell you as much.
Since I came from Court, I have stirred ve-
ry little: Now that the Court comes again
to us, I may have something which you
may be content to receive from
18 Decemb. Your very affectionate servant
J. Donne.
To my good friend Sr H.G.
The Messenger who brought me
your Letter presented me a just excuse,
for I received them so late upon Thursday
night, that I should have dispatched before
I could begin; yet I have obeyed you drow-
sily, and coldly, as the night and my in-
disposition commanded: yet perchance
those hinderances have done good, for so
your Letters are the lesse curious, in which
[CW: men]