that favour which he hath formerly done
me, in giving me Blouham, is now likely to
fall upon me, because the Incumbent is
dangerously ill: and because this is the sea-
son in which he removes from Wrest thi-
ther, he desires (for I give you his own
word) that he may be accommodate there,
(if it fall now) as heretofore. Out of my
absolute and intire readiness to serve that
family, I sent back his messenger with this
answer, that I esteemed it a great part of my
good fortune, that I should become wor-
thy to be commanded by him. If my Lady
will be pleased to direct me in what parti-
cular manner I may best serve her purpo-
ses. I shall gladly waite upon her at any
time, to receive her command with as much
devotion and thankfulnesse as I received the
benefit. I beseech you make her beleeve it,
as in any place you beleeve
26 Febr. 1621. Your poor servant in Chr. Jes.
J. Donne.
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