go. Though this be no service to my Lord:
yet I shall never come nearer doing him a
service, nor do any thing liker a service then
this. Yesterday we had news by Sir Nowell
Carou from Paris, that the D. of Savoy was
elected King of Bohemia; which would cut
off a great part of the occasion of our going:
but it is not much credible in it self, nor at
all beleeved here, because it is not signified
from Savoy, nor Heidelberg. Since M. Gher.
continues your Gazittier, I need tell you no-
thing of the Q. of Frances estate. For your
commandment in memory of M. Martin,
I should not have sate so many processes, if
I could incline my thoughts that way. It is
not lazinesse, it is not gravity, nor coldnesse
towards his memory, or your service; for I
have thought of it oftner, and longer, then
I was wont to do in such things, and no-
thing is done. Your last pacquet, in which
your daughter and I were joynt commissi-
oners, was brought to me, because she was
at Hampton, with the Queens body: but I sent
her part to her, and my La. Uvedalls to her,
[CW: who]