Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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with you: otherwise the report is naturally
very incredible. Though the answering
of it be a work for some, both of better abi-
lities really, and in common reputation
also, yet I was like enough to have had
some knowledge thereof. You mention
again some thing which it seems you are
not willing I should understand of my La-
dy Huntington: some of your former Letters,
have spoken of some other former Letters,
(which I never saw) which speak of the
matter as of a history and thing done; and
these later Letters speak of it Prophetically,
as of a future contingent. I am glad the of-
ten remembrance of it, gives me often oc-
casion of thankfulnesse to her, for retaining
me in her memory, and of professing my
self in my end, and ways, her most humble
servant. For your Parliament businesse, I
should be very sorry, if you came not up,
because I presume you had seposed many
businesses, to have been done at that time;
but in the ways wherein you have gone, I
protest I am diffident. For first, for that L.
[CW: whom]

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