cast upon Pensions, till they might be con-
sidered. In the Low Countries the Armies
stirre not. In the Palatinate Sire H. Vere at-
tempting the regaining of Stenie Castle, was
surprised with the Enemy in so much
strength, that they write it over for a Ma-
ster-piece, that he was able to make a retreat
to Manheme: so that now the Enemy is got
on that side the River which Heydelberg is
on, and I know nothing that can stand in
his way. My L. Digby comes from Vienna,
before he goes into Spain, by Count Mans-
field, by the Palatinate, by Paris; and there-
fore upon his comming, I shall be able to
say something to you. In Sir John Sutclin I
presume you see an end of Sir Ro. Naunton,
and we see an end of Mr Tho. Murray too; I
beleeve he comes no more to the Prince.
For the triall of my L. of Canterburies irre-
gularity, there is a Commission to sixe Bi-
shops, London, Winchester, Rochester, and three
onely elect, Lincoln, S. Davids, and Exeter:
two Judges, L. Hobard, and Dodridge; two
Civilians, Sir H. Martin, and D. Steward. The
[CW: con-]