Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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ter, but our soul which is but one, hath
swallowed up a Negative, and feeling soul;
which was in the body before it came, and
exercises those faculties yet; and God him-
selfe, who only is one, seems to have been
eternally delighted, with a disunion of per-
sons. They whose active function it is,
must endevour this unity in Religion: and
and we at our lay Altars (which are our
tables, or bedside, or stools, wheresoever
we dare prostrate our selves to God in pray-
er) must beg it of him: but we must take
heed of making misconclusions upon the
want of it: for, whether the Maior and
Aldermen fall out, (as with us and the Pu-
ritans; Bishops against Priests) or the
Commoners voyces differ who is Maior,
and who Alderman, or what their Juris-
diction, (as with the Bishop of Rome, or
whosoever) yet it is still one Corporation.

Micham, Thurs- Your very affectionate servant and
day late. lover J. Donne.

Never leave the remembrance of my poor ser-
vice unmentioned when you see the good Lady.
[CW: To]

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