Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next image The 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 51, cont. (p.159)

for the emptinesse of the town, hath made
me, who otherwise live upon the almes of
others, a houskeeper, for a moneth; and
so she is my servant below stairs, and my
companion above: she was at the table
with me, when your Letter was brought,
and I pay her a piece of her petition in do-
ing her this office, to present her service to
my Lady Nethersoles, and her very good
sister. But that she is gone to bed two hours
before I writ this, she should have signed,
with such a hand as your daughter Mary
did to me, that which I testifie for her, that
she is as affectionate a servant to them all,
as their goodnesse hath created any where.
Sir, I shall recompense my tediousnesse, in
closing mine eyes with a prayer for yours,
as for mine own happinesse, for I am al-
most in bed; if it were my last bed, and I
upon my last businesse there, I should not
omit to joyn you with

Your very humble and very thankfull
Aug. 30. 1611. servant in Christ Jesus
J. Donne.
[CW: To]

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