talked of Babylon and Antichrist. Except it
fall out that one Strange a Jesuit in the
Tower, may be accepted for him. To come
a little nearer my self, Sir Geffery Fenton one
of his Majesties Secretaries in Ireland is
dead; and I have made some offer for the
place, in preservation whereof, as I have
had occasion to imploy all my friends, so I
have not found in them all (except Bedford)
more hast and words (for when those two
are together, there is much comfort even in
the least) then in the L. Hay. In good
faith he promised so roundly, so abundant-
ly, so profusely, as I suspected him, but per-
formed what ever he undertook, (and my
requests were the measures of his under-
takings) so readily and truly, that his com-
plements became obligations, and having
spoke like a Courtier, did like a friend.
This I tell you, because being farre under
any ability of expressing my thankfulnesse
to him by any proportionall service, I do,
as much as I can, thank him by thanking
of you, who begot, or nursed these good
[CW: im-]