a Masque for Christmas, so that they grow
serious about that already; that will hasten
my Lady Bedfords journey, who goes with-
in ten days from hence to her Lord, but by
reason of this, can make no long stay there.
Justinian the Venetian is gone hence, and
one Carraw come in his place: that State
hath taken a fresh offence at a Friar, who
refused to absolve a Gentleman, because he
would not expresse in confession what
books of Father Paul, and such, he knew to
be in the hands of any others; the State com-
manded him out of that territory in three
hours warning, and he hath now submit-
ted himself, and is returned as prisoner for
Mantua, and so remains as yet. Sir H.
Wootton who writ hither, addes also that
upon his knowledge there are 14000 as
good Protestants as he in that State. The
Duke Joyeuse is dead, in Primont, returning
from Rome, where M. Mole who went with
the L. Rosse, is taken into the Inquisition,
and I see small hope of his recovery (for he
had in some translations of Plessis books
[CW: talked]