time which I give this Letter, and it is there-
fore that I take so short a list, and gallop so
fast over it, I have not been out of my house
since I received your pacquet. As I have
much quenched my senses, and disused my
body from pleasure, and so tried how I can
indure to be mine own grave, so I try now
how I can suffer a prison. And since it
is but to build one wall more about our
soul, she is still in her own Center, how
many circumferences soever fortune or our
own perversnesse cast about her. I would
I could as well intreat her to go out, as she
knows whither to go. But if I melt into a
melancholy whilest I write, I shall be taken
in the manner: and I sit by one too ten-
der towards these impressions, and it is so
much our duty, to avoid all occasions of
giving them sad apprehensions, as S. Hie-
rome accuses Adam of no other fault in eating
the Apple, but that he did it Ne contristaretur
delicias suas. I am not carefull what I write,
because the inclosed Letters may dignifie
this ill favoured bark, and they need not
[CW: grudge]