we scarce ever heard of the spleen. In our
declinations now, every accident is accom-
panied with heavy clouds of melancholy;
and in our youth we never admitted any. It
is the spleen of the minde, and we are affe-
cted with vapors from thence; yet truly,
even this sadnesse that overtakes us, and this
yeelding to the sadnesse, is not so vehement
a poison (though it be no Physick neither)
as those false waies, in which we sought
our comforts in our looser daies. You are
able to make rules to your self, and our
B. Saviour continue to you an ability to
keep within those rules. And this particu-
lar occasion of your present sadnesse must
be helped by the rule, for, for examples you
will scarce finde any, scarce any that is not
encombred and distressed in his fortunes.
I had locked my self, sealed and secured my
self against all possibilities of falling into
new debts, and in good faith, this year hath
thrown me 400l lower then when I entred
this house. I am a Father as well as you,
and of children (I humbly thank God) of
[CW: as]