Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next image The 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 42, cont. (p.129)

Gendarmery, there was no other trial then I
told you; & for their bravery, no true stuffe.
You must of necessity have heard often
of a Book written against the Popes juris-
diction, about three moneths since, by one
Richer, a Dr and Syndique of the Sorbonists,
which Book hath now been censured by
an assembly of the Clergie of this Archbi-
shoprick, promoved with so much dili-
gence by the Cardinall Peroun, that for this
businesse he hath intermitted his replie to
the Kings answer, which now he retires to
intend seriously: I have not yet had the ho-
nour to kisse his Graces hand, though I
have received some half-invitations to do
it. Richer was first accused to the Parlia-
ment, but when it was there required of
his delators to insist upon some propositi-
ons in his Book, which were either against
Scripture, or the Gallican Church, they de-
sisted in that pursuit. But in the censure
which the Clergie hath made, though it be
full of modifications and reservations of
the rights of the King, and the Gallican
[CW: Chur-]

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