I have received, since I came away) and
beleeve me that I shall ever with much af-
fection, and much devotion joine both
your fortune and you last best happinesse,
with the desire of mine own in all my ci-
vill, and divine wishes, as the only retri-
bution in the power of
Your affectionate servant
Jo. Donne.
To the Honourable Knight Sir H. Goodere.
If I would go out of my way for excuses,
or if I did not go out of my way from
them; I might avoid writing now because
I cannot chuse but know, that you have in
this town abler servants, and better under-
standing the persons and passages of this
Court. But my hope is not in the applica-
tion of other mens merits, to me however
abundant. Besides, this town hath since our
comming hither, afforded enough for all
to say. That which was done here the 25
of March, and which was so long called a
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