unindustrious in attempting that; nor
will I give it over yet. If at last, I must
confesse, that I dyed ten years ago,
yet as the Primitive Church admitted
some of the Jews Ceremonies, nor for perpe-
tuall use, but because they would bury the
Synagogue honourably, though I dyed at a
blow then when my courses were diverted,
yet it will please me a little to have had a long
funerall, and to have kept my self so long a-
bove ground without putrefaction. But this
is melancholique discourse; To change
therefore from this Metaphoricall death to
the true, and that with a little more relish
of mirth, let me tell you the good nature of
the executioneer of Paris: who when Vatan
was beheaded, (who dying in the profes-
sion of the Religion, had made his peace
with God in the prison, and so said nothing
at the place of execution) swore he had ra-
ther execute forty Huguenots, then one
Catholique, because the Huguenot used
so few words, and troubled him so little,
in respect of the dilatory ceremonies of the
[CW: others]