So were it for me who am as farre removed
from Court, and knowledge of forein pas-
sages, as this City is now from the face and
furniture of a City, to build up a long Letter
and to write of my self, were but to inclose
a poor handfull of straw for a token in a
Letter yet I will tell you, that I am at London
onely to provide for Monday, when I
shall use that favour which my Lady Bed-
ford hath afforded me, of giving her name
to my daughter; which I mention to you,
as well to shew that I covet any occasion of
a gratefull speaking of her favours, as that,
because I have thought the day is likely to
bring you to London, I might tell you, that
my poor house is in your way and you
shall then finde such company, as (I think)
you will not be loath to accompany to
6 Aug. 1608. Your very true friend
J. Donne.
[CW: To]