am but mine own Secretary (and what's
that?) I were excusable if I writ nothing,
since I am so: Besides that, your much
knowledge brings you this disadvantage,
that as stomachs accustomed to delicacies,
finde nothing new or pleasing to
them when they are sick; so you can hear
nothing from me (though the Countrey
perchance make you hungry) which you
know not. Therefore in stead of a Letter to
you, I send you one to another, to the best
Lady, who did me the honour to acknow-
ledge the receit of one of mine, by one of
hers; and who only hath power to cast
the fetters of verse upon my free meditati-
ons: It should give you some delight, and
some comfort, because you are the first
which see it, and it is the last which you
shall see of this kinde from me.
Micham the Your very affectionate lover and servant
14 August. J. Donne.
[CW: To]